Every day scores of men and women are raped, abused, murdered, and victimized in repulsive ways worldwide.
Less than 50% of those women have some sort of recourse, support system, or a definitive way to rid themselves of their situation.
“Each year, for 16 days, bookended by the International Day to End Violence Against Women (25 November) and Human Rights Day (10 December), groups from around the world join together to speak out against gender violence.” http://www.unfpa.org/public/News/events/16days
Recognized and observed internationally, the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender–Based violence originated from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991 Participants chose the dates, November 25, International Day Against
Violence Against Women and December 10, International Human Rights Day, in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights, and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights.
To celebrate the beauty and value of women everywhere, and to recognize the daily plight suffered by so many men and women, Maritima Inc. together with Amnesty International-e, are planning a weeklong fashion showcase, live concerts, and keynote addresses from 4th – 10th December 2010.
Showcasing some of SL’s most creative and up-and-coming designers, Maritima Inc. along with Amnesty International-e will strive to celebrate every aspect of the WOMAN! Not just the victim, but also the strong, intellectual, creative, professional, beautiful, resourceful WOMAN!
So please join us in this wonderful celebration! There will be donation kiosks put up around the Maritima sim until the end of the event, I urge you to find it in your heart to make a donation of your choice to help the resilient men and women at Amnesty International-e continue their courageous fight, not only to end the violence and maltreatment of women worldwide, but also for their never-ending vigilance for Human Rights everywhere!
For Designers, sponsors, and models that wish to participate in this event please feel free to contact NyuNyu Kimono, Maritima CEO or Nico Iasmertz, Maritima CEO in world for more details.
Further information regarding casting, designer and sponsor participation will be posted inworld throughout the month.
For more information about the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence and Amnesty International-e please visit the website below:
Amnesty International: http://www.amnestyusa.org/violence-against-women/stop-violence-against-women-svaw/16-days-for-womens-rights/page.do?id=1108252
For more infromation about this cause or the agencies mentioned above, feel free to visit the websites below:
Amnesty International : http://amnestyinternational-e.org
4 Bridges Project : http://fourbridgesproject.org/default.aspx
Featuring Designers : [sYs], Algaia, auTre, A’vion Cosmetics, Chocolate Atelier, DéDulja, Dojo, Ear Candy, Ellevan, Finesmith Designs, Fumé, Gasqhe, Gato, Graffitiwear, House of Draven, House of Fox, Hyper Culture, Kunglers, Les Petits Details, LoQ Hairs, Lurani, Mea Culpa, MEB, Orion, SF Designs, The Secret Store, Tukinowaguma, Vero Modero, Vidal Fashion
Visit Maritima Inc inworld at : http://slurl.com/secondlife/Maritima/129/192/22
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